If I'm having a bottle of wine or 2 at home, I usually go for sauvignon blanc b/c I like cold drinks.
If I'm out to eat, I try to match the wine with the food, and that usually means red b/c I eat a lot of meat. I have to eat double meat to make up for the vegetarians I know.
TK lives and works in San Francisco. He occasionally travels to places east of the Caldecott Tunnel, but not very often. His interests include bars, reality TV, and irony. Things seem to be going fine.
you usually drink whites?
If I'm having a bottle of wine or 2 at home, I usually go for sauvignon blanc b/c I like cold drinks.
If I'm out to eat, I try to match the wine with the food, and that usually means red b/c I eat a lot of meat. I have to eat double meat to make up for the vegetarians I know.
I drink more beer than anything else, though.
I once took Squid Pro Quo to B3 where they specialize in just that combo.
Her reaction: "meh."
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