Friday, September 6, 2013

It Was 20 Years Ago Today

We are introducing a new feature!  It is called "It Was 20 Years Ago Today."  This is how it works: from time to time, I dig up the SF Chron from 20 years ago to the day and see WHAT WAS UP on that day.  Fun, huh!  Let's get started.

Here's the front page from September 6, 1993.  It was a Monday, which means almost everyone at the Chronicle was still drunk or hungover from the weekend, so there was not a lot of content.

"Gulf States, Syria Back Peace Plan."  HOW'S THAT WORKIN OUT, GULF STATES AND SYRIA?

Also, there is something very chilling in the upper right hand corner.  See how the Giants' lead in the NL West has shrunk to 2 1/2 games?  (BTW, the Braves were in the NL West back then.  I know, MIND BLOWN.)  Anyway, NO SPOILERS, but this lead is going to get even tighter, and soon.  SPOOKY.

In the Bay Area section, we have something about an office tower "beauty contest" fizzling out.  Mostly it's about how there's shitloads of vacant office space in downtown SF and we don't need any new office towers.  JUST WAIT, SF, THERE'S AN INTERNET A-COMIN.

Herb Caen's column was about Labor Day.

They can't all be Pulitzer winners.

The 49ers won.

"Thumbs up" because Steve Young had a thumb injury, get it?  Also, this proves that Scott Ostler wasn't funny 20 years ago either.  Sorry for the crappy copy quality.  Blame the SF Main Library, not me.

(BTW, dude in a tank top and leather necklace forcing yourself onto the elevator in the library, LET US GET THE FUCK OUT FIRST.  I promise you that you will get the #1 spot on the elevator, as soon as THE OCCUPANTS HAVE VACATED THE SPACE.)

Finally, we need a new VCR!

WHEW, I was hoping we could find one under $200.  But Limit 1 Per Family!  That's not fair!  We need one for the rec room so Jason can tape videos off of MTV!

This is fun!  We'll do it again soon.  Gotta keep an eye on those Giants.  I'm warning you.  Shit gets dicey.


  1. Awww, Herb Caen! I miss that guy.

  2. I like this new feature, although the more things change, the more they stay the same: Disappointment in the Giants, fires, unequal pay, Mideast and East Africa drama... VCR prices are surely down, though! Do you ever read the Wayback Machine in the pink section of the Sunday paper? I'm sure it's on the intorwebs, but I refuse to use their site, so...

    I find it especially disturbing to know that I've been reading Scott Ostler for 20 years... Perhaps there's a math issue here? And yes, let's talk more about the Giants! I haven't thought about Manwaring in a long time, and he used to be one of my faves. Plus, pre-Wild Card times are like pre-Code Hollywood! And Barry. Oh Barry.


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