Friday, October 5, 2012

We are expanding our roster

Please join me in welcoming Buster Matt Cain Shooter The Assassin Yards After the Catch K*:

[* Name not 100% cleared with The Wife yet]

That's right!  In 2030, this lil guy will be showing a fake ID to the door dude at the Uptown.  Or a fake retinal scan or Implant Identity Chip or whatever they have then.  

Can't tell much from that photo, huh?  I've taken the liberty of adding annotations:

Just like Dad!

What else?  We're very excited, obvs.  I promise not to become a Daddy Blogger.  Ugh, just typing that felt dirty.


  1. iPhone? I'm pretty sure the little tyke is flipping me off. But that's cool.

  2. Holy crap! I am so excited for you guys! Congrats!

    I can't wait to read about your adventures in parenting. Please pass along my good wishes to your lovely wife. If you need anything, we have a ton of baby stuff. Seriously. Just ask.

    Also, Buster was one of the names on our list. No joke.

  3. Bochy would be a pretty boss first name.

  4. Yay! Congratulations.

    And if there were ever a daddy blog that I could like, it would be yours.

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    SPOILER: It won't be Buster or Bochy.

  6. You have forced me into un-lurking. Congratulations!

  7. Awesome - congrats to you and The Wife!

  8. If only your last name was Hymen. I knew a guy in college with that last name. Obvi his nickname was Buster. Congrats on the successful mating!


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