Sunday, December 4, 2011

In response to some reader complaints, we are launching a new feature

On Friday, Allan over at Mission Mission linked to our story about people talking at shows. Some people commented! They will do that. One person said "grandpa," which is mean because, while I am old enough to be a grandparent, I am not actually a grandparent. Unless that person meant it in the Sexy Grandpa sense, in which case, RIGHT ON.

But then another commenter said:

his whole blog is a moan – and he goes on about being like a 28 year old (when he’s 40) or something. Old, old, old – not physically but has the mentality of a conservative Victorian…

Kinda has a point. I do tend to bitch a lot on here. I do have to dispute that I have the mentality of a conservative Victorian, though. Maybe a Sexy Victorian.

Anyway, in an effort to make this blog more positive and less of a moan, we are introducing a new feature: Universal Pepsodent Super Fun Hour!!!!!

What we do for UPSFH is we pick one thing that we like and we talk about how awesome it is. This is designed to counteract the normally dyspeptic and misanthropic nature of this blog and instead suffuse you, the reader, with a sense of warmth and well-being that you will carry with you throughout the day.

For our inaugural Universal Pepsodent Super Fun Hour, we pick A FEW GOOD MEN, the 1992 Aaron Sorkin-penned military-legal drama starring TOM CRUISE and DEMI MOORE and with the totally killer JACK NICHOLSON monologue that we all love.

A Few Good Men is one of those movies that I always watch through to the end when I pass it flipping around on cable. And since it's on TNT every Saturday, I've seen parts of it hundreds of times!

Look, it's not Citizen Kane or even the Citizen Kane of military-legal dramas. Well, maybe it is, but I can't think of others right now, but it's a well-written, sort of well-acted drama that keeps you engaged without being too tense. The perfect thing when you're hungover on the couch on a Saturday having Outdoor Guilt because it looks nice out but you just don't want to go out.

I celebrate you, A Few Good Men. You are worthy of being featured on the very first Universal Pepsodent Super Fun Hour!


  1. Whatever, GRANDPA. Nobody's old enough to remember way back to *1992*, the year I graduated from high school.

  2. Um, excuse me? What are these other blogs you refer to? I was under the impression that the Intorweb stopped and started at 40 going on 28. Is this about those tubes again?? Some kind of series?

    Then again, as a youngun with crooked teeth, I used to store my retainer overnight in that dizzy denture stuff.

  3. So are these people somehow DEFENDING loud talkers? Oh, wait, they're internet blog commenters, what am I thinking?...carry on.

  4. Under NO CONDITIONS will I accept you sheltering your online persona beneath a veil of cheer. 40 going on 28: do not bow to the freakish whims of misspent youth. (ps: I'm way older than you, as you probably guessed.)

  5. I want everyone to adopt the Universal Pepsodent Super Fun Hour now. Except me. I prefer to bitch and moan and snark. That's why we get each other. Well, that and the fact you remind me of my grandpa. I mean my SEXY grandpa. God, that was almost awkward.

  6. As an actual 28 year old going to a show with my 40 year old sister (Peter Murphy at The Fillmore on Dec. 4th) I'd like to say that complaining about loud talkers is an ageless pastime. I'd like to up the bitching to include people who have their cell phones out to take pictures and videos during live performances.

    I'm 5'4" so I'm used to not being able to see over peoples heads. That's why I purposefully stand behind other short people. But then those short people pull out their blindingly bright cell phones and take hundreds of pictures and endless shaky videos. I spent the entire concert fantasizing about crushing their phones under the heel of my boot and shiving them with the sharp remains.

    Dear Assholes: May each picture be blurrier than the last (and I already know that it was since I had to see each one. Do you really imagine your flash will reach the stage 40 feet away?!) and the audio on your video be distorted beyond recognition.

  7. I think you should run with the 'Victorian' thing-- that's an exquisite silver lining.

  8. For example: you could start by replacing the from-Bernal-Heights panorama shot of SF in your masthead with that cliche shot of Victorians taken from Alamo Sq. You know, stuff like that...


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