Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The time is now: #dadcore magazine

Why stop at listicles? THINK BIG, MAN.

Dadcore is about knowing how to make a dinner consisting entirely of white foods and also how to make a Manhattan with one hand while holding a baby in the other.

Dadcore is knowing the people in those "Swagger wagon" ads are tools.

Dadcore is being able to discuss the relative musical merits of One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.

Dadcore is being able to change a diaper in under 90 seconds.  IN AN AIRPLANE LAVATORY.

Dadcore is real.


  1. I'm a mom. Can I read Dadcore?

  2. Dadcore is for everyone.

    Dadcore doesn't care if you're a Mom.

    Dadcore doesn't want to watch So You Think You Can Dance tonight.

    Dadcore will just stomp into the bedroom and read a magazine then.

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